impulse 1.8.x release notes
[BUG 51] Special char replacement for /,\,@
[BUG] Fixed several minor chart issues
[BUG] Fixed name and id information in productions
[IMPROVEMENT] New array combiner production
[BUG 51] Finally fix name replacement (issue 51)
[BUG] License Meta key handling
[BUG] Iterator nextEdge without edge detector
[BUG] isLow() method
[BUG] fixed samples readers attachment read
[BUG] recMz not identified as record
[IMPROVEMENT] Added "importPackage(java.util);importPackage(;" to script init
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved uniqueChild performance
[IMPROVEMENT] Added samples mouse listener
[IMPROVEMENT] Fixed/Extended SCV reader
[IMPROVEMENT] Optimized/fixed transaction paint planner
[IMPROVEMENT] Added associations for logs and transactions
[IMPROVEMENT] Added content proposal for member extract, text extract and text filter productions
1.8.23 Nov 13th
[BUG] Association curves to itself in-proper
[BUG] Toolbar insensitivity if view not active
[IMPROVEMENT] Updated context help
[IMPROVEMENT] Images for associations
[FEATURE] Button in Sample Inspector to jump to association target
[FEATURE] Support button/menu
[FEATURE] Hover for label and association labels
[FEATURE] Bi-directional associations
[FEATURE] Display zero size transactions as log
1.8.24 Nov 16th
[BUG] Transaction planner shows wrong group
[BUG] Sample dialog timer exception
1.8.25 Dec 4th
[BUG] Icon missing in support plugin
[BUG] PageTable synchronisation shows exception
[BUG] Enable (check) button in plot sources not functional
[BUG] Hidden parameters of production not ignored.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added symbols for CAN-BUS elements
[IMPROVEMENT] Added p2 install location
[IMPROVEMENT] Support menu: Added Install/Print
[FEATURE] New Amalthea BTF and updated HTF reader (both in beta state)
[FEATURE] Added I2S protocol decoder
[FEATURE] New Compare viewer
[FEATURE] New Diff/Delta production
1.8.26 Jan 05th
[BUG] Wrong signal descriptor naming: gannt instead gantt
[BUG] Can not change format in template dialog
[BUG] recMl/recMz not working with multi-adapter port
[BUG] Implicit templates only working for single signals
[BUG] Transaction group in display delayed
[BUG] Check and CheckSet Controller misbehaviour
[BUG] Resource adapter accepts drop from any object
[BUG] Invalid start end position if no samples
[BUG] Fixed byte[] to string conversion
[BUG] Write none for event writers does not work
[IMPROVEMENT] Added additional implicit templates
[IMPROVEMENT] Updated certificate
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA extension update
[IMPROVEMENT] Multiple selection dialogs with generic parameters (production, charts)
[IMPROVEMENT] Virtual array items using member name
[IMPROVEMENT] Virtual member for structs
[IMPROVEMENT] Allow drop from text drag
[IMPROVEMENT] Optimized paint planning (low memory/exception occured)
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved sample member interface
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved member extract production
[IMPROVEMENT] Adapted to latest SystemView format 2.52
1.8.27 Jan 12th
[BUG] Invalid start end position for productions
[BUG] null logic members in samples inspector
[FEATURE] new DateBase domain bases (dateTime, time, timeMs)
[FEATURE] OPC/UA to use DateBase optionally
1.8.28 Jan 19th
[BUG] CAN-Bus symbol id check wrong
[BUG] Error on closing Signal Table
[IMPROVEMENT] Added Initial 2.0 Viewer API
1.8.29 Jan 20th
[BUG] CAN-Bus symbol id check wrong
1.8.30 Jan 23th
[BUG] Markers added while port streaming vanish
[BUG] Certificate not accepted on osx
1.8.31 Mar 12th
[BUG] Diff production conflict domain wrong
[BUG] Can open dialog for multiple elements of different types
[BUG] Update problems using signal script on port input
[BUG] native clean not working on windows (rm)
[IMPROVEMENT] Added additional recJs example (r09_email_generator.recJs)
[IMPROVEMENT] CAN Dialog optimization
[IMPROVEMENT] CAN SYM import reads enums
[FEATURE] Peak CAN FD Adapter added
[FEATURE] SocketCAN Adapter added
[FEATURE] OPC/UA scripting support
1.8.32 Mar 19th
[BUG] Content proposals not working in scripted reader editor
[BUG] CAN Bus frame control is shown in non-FD devices
[BUG] CAN Bus connect/active value not disabled
[BUG] CAN Bus identify not functional
[IMPROVEMENT] Changed crop text alignment
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA script can start streaming
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA endpoint selection priority on name
[FEATURE] Added Peak Lin Adapter (experimental)
1.8.33 Mar 19th
[BUG] LIN Bus (experimental) filter mode label wrong
[FEATURE] Added LDF Parser
1.8.34 Apr 19th
[BUG] Peak CAN Bus Adapter Filter types do not match
[BUG] CAN Bus ids overlap
1.8.35 Mai 19th
[BUG] Replace depricated usleep in native extensions
[BUG] Wrong warning "Did not receive any response" when doing CAN Bus ident
[BUG] Value table synchronisation fails when another viewer is in update mode
[BUG] SWV reader sometimes fail
[IMPROVEMENT] Launch Folder integration for Gnu MCU Eclipse
1.8.36 June 29th
[BUG] Exceptions when running with Photon
[BUG 51] Special char replacement for /,\,@
[BUG] Fixed several minor chart issues
[BUG] Fixed name and id information in productions
[IMPROVEMENT] New array combiner production
[BUG 51] Finally fix name replacement (issue 51)
[BUG] License Meta key handling
[BUG] Iterator nextEdge without edge detector
[BUG] isLow() method
[BUG] fixed samples readers attachment read
[BUG] recMz not identified as record
[IMPROVEMENT] Added "importPackage(java.util);importPackage(;" to script init
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved uniqueChild performance
[IMPROVEMENT] Added samples mouse listener
[IMPROVEMENT] Fixed/Extended SCV reader
[IMPROVEMENT] Optimized/fixed transaction paint planner
[IMPROVEMENT] Added associations for logs and transactions
[IMPROVEMENT] Added content proposal for member extract, text extract and text filter productions
1.8.23 Nov 13th
[BUG] Association curves to itself in-proper
[BUG] Toolbar insensitivity if view not active
[IMPROVEMENT] Updated context help
[IMPROVEMENT] Images for associations
[FEATURE] Button in Sample Inspector to jump to association target
[FEATURE] Support button/menu
[FEATURE] Hover for label and association labels
[FEATURE] Bi-directional associations
[FEATURE] Display zero size transactions as log
1.8.24 Nov 16th
[BUG] Transaction planner shows wrong group
[BUG] Sample dialog timer exception
1.8.25 Dec 4th
[BUG] Icon missing in support plugin
[BUG] PageTable synchronisation shows exception
[BUG] Enable (check) button in plot sources not functional
[BUG] Hidden parameters of production not ignored.
[IMPROVEMENT] Added symbols for CAN-BUS elements
[IMPROVEMENT] Added p2 install location
[IMPROVEMENT] Support menu: Added Install/Print
[FEATURE] New Amalthea BTF and updated HTF reader (both in beta state)
[FEATURE] Added I2S protocol decoder
[FEATURE] New Compare viewer
[FEATURE] New Diff/Delta production
1.8.26 Jan 05th
[BUG] Wrong signal descriptor naming: gannt instead gantt
[BUG] Can not change format in template dialog
[BUG] recMl/recMz not working with multi-adapter port
[BUG] Implicit templates only working for single signals
[BUG] Transaction group in display delayed
[BUG] Check and CheckSet Controller misbehaviour
[BUG] Resource adapter accepts drop from any object
[BUG] Invalid start end position if no samples
[BUG] Fixed byte[] to string conversion
[BUG] Write none for event writers does not work
[IMPROVEMENT] Added additional implicit templates
[IMPROVEMENT] Updated certificate
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA extension update
[IMPROVEMENT] Multiple selection dialogs with generic parameters (production, charts)
[IMPROVEMENT] Virtual array items using member name
[IMPROVEMENT] Virtual member for structs
[IMPROVEMENT] Allow drop from text drag
[IMPROVEMENT] Optimized paint planning (low memory/exception occured)
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved sample member interface
[IMPROVEMENT] Improved member extract production
[IMPROVEMENT] Adapted to latest SystemView format 2.52
1.8.27 Jan 12th
[BUG] Invalid start end position for productions
[BUG] null logic members in samples inspector
[FEATURE] new DateBase domain bases (dateTime, time, timeMs)
[FEATURE] OPC/UA to use DateBase optionally
1.8.28 Jan 19th
[BUG] CAN-Bus symbol id check wrong
[BUG] Error on closing Signal Table
[IMPROVEMENT] Added Initial 2.0 Viewer API
1.8.29 Jan 20th
[BUG] CAN-Bus symbol id check wrong
1.8.30 Jan 23th
[BUG] Markers added while port streaming vanish
[BUG] Certificate not accepted on osx
1.8.31 Mar 12th
[BUG] Diff production conflict domain wrong
[BUG] Can open dialog for multiple elements of different types
[BUG] Update problems using signal script on port input
[BUG] native clean not working on windows (rm)
[IMPROVEMENT] Added additional recJs example (r09_email_generator.recJs)
[IMPROVEMENT] CAN Dialog optimization
[IMPROVEMENT] CAN SYM import reads enums
[FEATURE] Peak CAN FD Adapter added
[FEATURE] SocketCAN Adapter added
[FEATURE] OPC/UA scripting support
1.8.32 Mar 19th
[BUG] Content proposals not working in scripted reader editor
[BUG] CAN Bus frame control is shown in non-FD devices
[BUG] CAN Bus connect/active value not disabled
[BUG] CAN Bus identify not functional
[IMPROVEMENT] Changed crop text alignment
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA script can start streaming
[IMPROVEMENT] OPC/UA endpoint selection priority on name
[FEATURE] Added Peak Lin Adapter (experimental)
1.8.33 Mar 19th
[BUG] LIN Bus (experimental) filter mode label wrong
[FEATURE] Added LDF Parser
1.8.34 Apr 19th
[BUG] Peak CAN Bus Adapter Filter types do not match
[BUG] CAN Bus ids overlap
1.8.35 Mai 19th
[BUG] Replace depricated usleep in native extensions
[BUG] Wrong warning "Did not receive any response" when doing CAN Bus ident
[BUG] Value table synchronisation fails when another viewer is in update mode
[BUG] SWV reader sometimes fail
[IMPROVEMENT] Launch Folder integration for Gnu MCU Eclipse
1.8.36 June 29th
[BUG] Exceptions when running with Photon