impulse SPICE

impulse Workbench Extension
SPICE (Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis) characterizes a group of electronic circuit simulator software packages. The name originates from Berkeley SPICE.

Circuit simulation programs take a text net list describing the circuit elements (transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc.) and their connections and translate this description into equations to be solved.

This extension supports a number of SPICE-related file formats, allowing users to read, display and analyse the simulation output. HSpice and Spice3 are natively supported; NanoSim requires an external conversion tool.

Implementation of Netlists, Simulation and Visualization of the Output in One Environment

Use the Eclipse IDE to implement the netlist; use a builder to trigger the simulation; and validate and analyse the simulation output with impulse.

Compare Simulation Results of Different Releases

Search for differences between releases and document these with the help of markers (annotations).

Extract and Visualize Statistical Information

Use signal scripts to check the simulation output and extract relevant data. The extracted data can then be displayed in graphs or diagrams.

Spice 3 Reader

SPICE is a general-purpose circuit simulation program for nonlinear DC, nonlinear transient and linear AC analyses. The Spice3 format is used by open source SPICE implementations.

NanaSim Reader

NanaSim Reader The NanoSim format is supported by using an external tool to convert NanoSim to a tabular format (sp2sp). This tool is not part of impulse and must be installed separately (gwave package in debian/ubuntu).

HSpice tr0 Reader

For this format no open specification is available. Instead the reader is based on non-official format informations from the internet. It just supports the format versions 9007 and 9601.
  • Spice3 Reader

    The Spice 3 format is a format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. Spice 3 is an open source circuit simulation program for nonlinear DC, nonlinear transient and linear AC analyses.

    32/64bit 32/64bit 32/64bit
    • None
    Known limitations:
    • File size limited by virtual memory and temporary storage
    • Stable
    • Load
    Default Parameters:
    • None
    • Default Reader Configuration with modified parameters.
  • NanoSim Reader

    The NanoSim format is a binary format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. NanaSim Reader The NanoSim format is supported by using an external tool to convert NanoSim to a tabular format (sp2sp). This tool is not part of impulse and must be installed separately (gwave package in debian/ubuntu).

    32/64bit 32/64bit 32/64bit
    Depending on the availability of external tool (sp2sp).
    • sp2sp tool
    Known limitations:
    • The reader uses external applications over which toem has no control.
    • Beta
    • Load
    Default Parameters:
    • Path: Path for the executable.
    • Command: Command name and parameters. File name can be added using the %f notation.
    • Default Reader Configuration with modified parameters.
  • HSpice Tr0 Reader

    The Hspice format is a format for dump files generated by analog electronic circuit simulation tools. For this format, no open specification is available. Instead the reader is based on non-official format informations from the internet. It just supports the format versions 9007 and 9601.

    32/64bit 32/64bit 32/64bit
    • None
    Known limitations:
    • File size limited by virtual memory and temporary storage.
    • Implementation not based on official specification.
    • It just supports the format versions 9007 and 9601.
    • Stable
    • Load
    Default Parameters:
    • None
    • Default Reader Configuration with modified parameters.


impulse end-user license
Native extension converter (C/C++) available in the plugin package
Selected Resources


Electronic circuit simulation uses mathematical models to replicate the behaviour of an actual electronic device or circuit. The output of these simulations can be analysed using impulse in many ways. Analysed simulations of analogue and digital systems include: systemC (VCD, TAB, SCV); Verilog, VHDL (VCD, eVCD, LXT2, VZT, FST) and Spice (HSpice, NanoSim, Spice3).

technical software and tooling


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